About Us

The leader in ARE exam prep.

Amber Book is a leader in ARE Exam prep and testing solutions.

Our curriculum was developed for you to become a licensed architect as efficiently as possible through high-quality animated videos and study materials. 

A portrait of Amber Book creator, Michael Ermann

Introducing Michael Ermann, the creator of Amber Book.

Michael Ermann, AIA is a licensed architect and tenured full professor in Virginia Tech’s School of Architecture + Design, where he’s taught design studio, environmental building systems, materials & methods of construction, and architectural acoustics since 2001.

1,000th Firm Signs With Amber Book to Train Aspiring Architects to Pass the Multi-Division ARE 5.0®

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A team effort.

Amber Book is a team effort. Here are the people that help this become a reality.


Alise Willis

  • Taking the AREs

  • AVP

  • Enrollment


Ralph Hale

  • Passed the AREs

  • Researcher

  • Content creator


Amy Cowan

  • Graphic designer

  • Project manager

  • Animator

Tyler Willis

Tyler Willis

  • Licensed attorney

  • AVP Firm Enrollment

  • Content creator (law and contracts)


Tom Powers

  • Licensed Architect

  • Researcher

  • Content creator


Matt Young

  • Licensed Architect

  • Researcher

  • Content creator


Cristina Moyer

  • Educator

  • Enrollment

  • User interface


Megan Johnson

  • Writer

  • Website

  • Social Media


Quinn Zhang

  • Passed the AREs

  • Researcher

  • Content Creator


Julie Foley

  • Licensed Architect

  • Enrollment


Bryan Johnson

  • Structural engineer

  • Architecture Master's degree

  • Structures content creator

  • Animator

Almedin Plavuji

Almedin Plavulj

Account Executive

Brielle Weiss, Account Executive Specialist

Brielle Weiss

Account Executive Specialist

40 Minutes of Competence.

A free study session every Thursday at 6 PM ET.

Our weekly 40 Minutes of Competence sessions are led by Amber Book's creator, Michael Ermann, AIA. In these free Zoom calls, we tackle a practice problem, then answer your questions live.

Whether you are just getting started, in the middle of studying, or celebrating licensure, we welcome everyone to these open-to-all sessions.

Join The Session


Charities we've supported in 2022.

A portion of your tuition supports world-changing organizations. We gave to these non-profits in 2022:

Doctors Without Borders USA | $15,500

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) treats people where the need is greatest. MSF is an international medical humanitarian organisation.

An image of a doctor helping a patient

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | $1,500

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death. AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Health Volunteers Overseas | $1,500

Health Volunteers Overseas improves the availability and quality of health care through the education, training, and professional development of the health workforce in resource-scarce countries.

Doctor showing imaging on a medical machine

International Rescue Committee | $5,500

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) helps people affected by humanitarian crises—including the climate crisis—to survive, recover and rebuild their lives. Founded at the call of Albert Einstein in 1933, the IRC is now at work in over 40 crisis-affected countries as well as communities throughout Europe and the Americas. We deliver lasting impact by providing health care, helping children learn, and empowering individuals and communities to become self-reliant, always seeking to address the inequalities facing women and girls.

3 women in colorful outfits

World Vision | $1,500

World Vision International partners with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

World Vision

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We’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to our support group anytime by clicking below.

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